The Bellevue Hospital offers a "Babysitting Basics" Class for children who desire to become better babysitters.
The course introduces the future babysitter to the roles and responsibilities of a babysitter. The course teaches how to handle emergencies and illness. Students will learn about the basics of bathing, diapering, and feeding of infants and playtime suggestions for older children. The students will also learn about safety and nutrition.
- Students must be 11 years and older
- Course fee of $25.00 to cover all instructional materials
- Students should bring a "Cabbage Patch" or similar size doll to the class
- A light snack will be provided for class participants
Upon completion of the course, students will receive a certificate of participation, a "Babysitting Basics" T-shirt, and babysitting handbook. Each class session is limited to 15 students. For more information or to register, call 419.483.4040, Ext. 3067.