April 11, 2018
It’s that time again! The 2018 growing season has begun.
We had our first meeting for the community gardens on Monday and had a great turn out. Things are rolling along and the garden is beginning to wake from a long winter. Some plants like the rhubarb, spinach, chives and strawberries are starting to poke up. The weeds are making a presence already, also.
This year, we will have nine of the raised boxes dedicated to strawberries and seven boxes will be salad vegetables. We are retiring the cucurbits (cukes and squash) in 2018 due to increased infestations. We might be retiring the cole vegetables (cabbage, radishes, broccoli) next year if infestation becomes a problem this year. While this is a different type of crop rotation, it may work better than moving the plants around in a small area.
Every year I grow an experimental plant (some examples from the past have been okra, sweet potatoes, and quinoa). This year we are going to try horseradish in the square foot box. If it goes well, it will be transferred to the herb box and grown as a herb.
I am looking forward to a great year for the community gardens! We are also looking for volunteers to help us with our gardens! If you are interested, please contact me at 419.484.5421.
Patti Keller, RD, LD, CDE