July 26, 2018
The harvesting has started! The eggplant plants look fabulous and we have a goal to beat our record eggplant production from two years ago. This week we harvested onions, lettuce, snow peas and eggplant for a total of over 33 lbs produce. Next week we will harvest chard, peppers, more eggplant, more onions and maybe more snow peas. Don't forget, this week starts the demonstrations at the Bellevue's Farmer’s Markets that wil be held every Thursday in August from 3 pm - 7 pm at Central Park. The Bellevue Hospital will be doing cooking demonstrations and will also have healthy eating information available. The demonstrations this week will include a stir fry using some of the snow peas harvested. Another THANK YOU to all of our garden volunteers who make our garden successful year after year.
Patti Keller, RD, LD, CDE