August 9, 2018
The harvest continues! This week we harvested snow peas, green beans, eggplant, peppers, chard and onions for a total of over 68 lbs produce.
The Committee To Grow Bellevue (CTGB) had their first Open Air Market on Thursday, August 2 and it went well. The Bellevue Open Air Markets is the newest project The Bellevue Hospital's community garden has been involved in. Our goal is to bring an awareness of the value of the vegetables we grow for pantry donation to health.
Next week Julie Jarrett, one of our Master Gardeners, is going to present a heart healthy recipe: Green Beans with Walnuts. Speaking of green beans, below is a picture of the green beans we are growing on our sunflowers. They are a hit, producing beans about 6-8 inches long and relatively bug free. The eggplant is also producing well. The pantries tell me that their clients like the larger onions.
Below is a fourth picture of a special rock that was found in the garden this week. It is a type of quartz that is not indigenous to this area. This means that it came down with the glaciers many, many years ago. This maymean that we need to replenish the topsoil more often since we are digging into a lower layer of the earth in this region. The next couple of years we may be doing some very heavy mulching to prevent further erosion.
Patti Keller, RD, CD, LDE