July 20, 2018
To pick, you have to pull. With our garden, we look at our statistics on food production and realize our production would be drastically decreased if we did not pull weeds. It’s great to see 400-500 eggplants or 210 sweet potatoes, but these production statistics are up because we keep the garden clear of weeds as much as possible, year after year. Once again I would like to thank our garden volunteers for all their help. If they didn’t pull weeds, we couldn’t pick the produce that we do. To pick, you have to pull.
Attached are two pictures from the harvest this week. Covering the chard has helped greatly with keeping the cabbage loopers out. The eggplant looks good and they may start producing next week. The production from the garden boxes is lower this year due to the lack of rain.
We are going to have harvests weekly starting next Wednesday, July 25. Join us in the garden at 7 a.m. if you are interested in helping! The next step is to start a fall garden probably the first week in August.
Don't forget our hospital and community garden will be represented at the Bellevue Farmer's Markets starting on August 2. The markets are from 3-7 p.m. every Thursday during the month. We will be distributing information on nutrition related diseases and doing cooking demonstrations. We hope to see you there!
Patti Keller, RD, LD, CDE