June 25, 2018
The garden is starting to grow! Below are pictures of the plants in the lowlands to show our progress. With the sunflowers, look carefully because we have planted runner beans in between them and they are climbing up the sunflower. They are not as invasive as morning glories or the creeper plants in the boxes.
The strawberries are continuing to produce and have almost been spent. If we can keep the boxes watered, then the rest of the plants will start to emerge soon.
I'd like to send a big THANK YOU to Bob Beck for tilling between the rows. This is the first year we could go with wide row planting and it seems to be working out well. Also a big THANK YOU to Connie Meacham and Cat Valero for weeding parts of the garden.
If you get a chance, stop out and help with the weeding. We still have a lot of weeding that needs done between the garden rows. If you are able, it is good exercise and stress relieving.
That’s it for now. Enjoy the pictures!
Patti Keller, RD, LD, CDE