November 20, 2018
There is snow on the ground and everything has been put to sleep for the winter. A big thank you to everyone who helped in the community garden this year! YOU have helped to produce a garden that yielded 1,253 pounds of produce this year alone. Cumulative, that is over 4.96 tons of produce that has been grown in the garden over the last eight years. Next year I am hoping our yield will push us past the five ton mark!
With sadness that another growing season has come to an end, I take a deep sigh and look at the garden to marvel at what we have done in the past eight years. December is a time to sit, think and and appreciate all the help I have had through these years in making this project a success. It is time to look forward to snowstorms, icy roads, darkness, okay, okay enough! I am looking forward to hitting that five ton mark next year!
If I don’t see you before the first of the year. Have a Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year.
Patti Keller, RD, LD, CDE