June 27, 2019
I'd like to send a big thank-you to the volunteers that have showed up to help out in the garden these past few weeks. To date, we have harvested:
- Almost 50 lbs. of strawberries
- Nearly 67 lbs. of salad mix
- 2 lbs. of chives
- 3 lbs. of onions
- 6 oz. of cilantro from the demo box
- 5 lbs. of radishes
For a total of nearly 125 lbs. of produce so far this growing season!
We are starting the second round of planting with radishes, onions and lettuce very soon. Right now, our main focus is weeding!
The herb garden is coming along nicely and after some thought, I have decided to let the herbs grow and fill in this year with harvests starting next year. The garden boxes are also producing well except for the squash, and we may have to consider replanting some of the squash seeds.
Again, we are always looking for volunteers to help with our garden. If you are interested, please feel free to contact me at 419.484.5421 for more information.
Patti Keller, RD, LD, CDE